Psalm 145
A psalm of praise from Bimbylads.
1 [a] I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise you
and extol your name for ever and ever.
3 Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
4 One generation will commend your works to another;
they will tell of your mighty acts.
5 They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and I will meditate on your wonderful works. [b]
6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works,
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
7 They will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
8 The LORD is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.
9 The LORD is good to all;
he has compassion on all he has made.
10 All you have made will praise you, O LORD;
your saints will extol you.
11 They will tell of the glory of your kingdom
and speak of your might,
12 so that all men may know of your mighty acts
and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures through all generations.
The LORD is faithful to all his promises
and loving toward all he has made. [c]
14 The LORD upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
16 You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and loving toward all he has made.
18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
20 The LORD watches over all who love him,
but all the wicked he will destroy.
21 My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD.
Let every creature praise his holy name
for ever and ever.
Father, for breathing Life into my lungs everyday for the past 25 years, I praise you.
Thank you all for all your comments and well wishes regarding the TRUE LOVE interview / spread. Glory be to God. ~~I thank especially True love for the opportunity i was given, the experience taking those pictures and granting the interview was great. I did not deserve it better than anyone. There are truly great bloggers in blogville, so for the experience, thank you.
- You guys:
Mrs Somebody (dietary battles well documented with wit), ~36 inches of brains and legs ( my blogville sista- brilliant!),~ LondonBuki ( inspiration is ur middle name), ~Idemili( Dark man series? THE BEST!), Vera ( excellent writer without trying ), ~ LNC ( with ease, but so interesting), ~Pink Satin and Opeke (blogville entrapreneurs) ~OverwhelmedNgirl ( fantastic writer), ~Confused Naijagirl ( brilliant counselor and some),Jaycee ( Gods light), ~Bobby ( d luv of ma blogville life- my sister from anoda moda CONFAMED!),~NaijaVixen ( entertainment incorporated), Calabar gal ( mature excellent content) Kpakando ( d star) ~ Chameleon ( stunning)Ex school nerd ( ~ sense of humor? Massive!)..I could go on and on....ALL OF YOU female bloggers...too many to count.. ur writing is great, ……..gosh, why am i so emotional...?
…..no blame me, i dey happy gaann ni..I tink say I dey OSCARS… see as I dey give yeye speech… abeeeeg!! shakebodi jare.... but seriously, there is TALENT in Niaja meen!
And before i sign off.. .. THOSE OF U extra LONGA-THROATS THAT HAVE BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY REMAINING MEAT PIE..na wetin now? i no like am o.. ehn, Ok, if u want to hear, oya hear, there is ONE and D-HALF in the fridge, I ATE THE FIRST ONE YESTADAY for breakfast ( WHILE I AWAIT MR MEATPIE TO SIGN THE DIVORCE PAPERS, as he is being rdiculously elusive over this matter)..
...if u WANT meatpie; SAY U WANT, DONT BE USING STYLE TO comment say 'BIMBY, WETIN DO THE MEATPIE' nothing do am o.. all na meatpie.. meatpie shyt or fresh meatpie.. no be d same mama born them? no be meat pie?....... * eeeewwwwww.... im gross********
I have olu olu plaintain chips sha,.. if u no want meatpie!
thats me.....the greatest meatpie lover...
LOL...Abimbola u are something else o....Chief Commenter too is receiving her own salute...lol..Ur welcome sha...
LOve the way ur meat-pie loving self signed out with ur face...
xxx...see u over the weekend...xxx...and bring the aso-ebi with u..lol
this babe, u no serious sha...
seriously, your interview was great and your blog? i simply can't have enough. u crack me up
Ok, this is scary, does that mean none of the male bloggers gets an award too...I'm calling the social services. This is gender war! LOL!
@ dimples: sorry jare! how i go forget u!! salutations my dear...c u on saturday,,, mwahx
@aivyleague: thanks dear.. no blame me, this life ehn, if u dey too serious, u go juz peme.. lol..
@ugo daniels: oya come and use my phone to call police.. na wetin noow? ok, no vex my darling IT templates guru, TrueLOVe recognised female bloggers, so i followed suit.... ok, lemme hail u male bloggers: Mr Fineboy, Borish male, Ugo Daniels, BabaAlaye, TLK, ..........wo i tire jare,, u get the drift abi...
Ok, what brought about this mushy mushiness.lol.
Your blog is my everyday tonic.
See ya soon.
lolllllllllll bimby i like the way you got tired when shouting out the men..lol funnyyyyy
ha bimby lads where my name...i dey vex lol.great summary of all bloggers.enough respect to them all
I guess i should read the other post to understand this meatpie thing....
can u imagine, my darling Mimi,Omahemi, Temmytayo, Linda Ikeji,Uzo. all of u.... i didnt mention ur names, all of u have great blogs.. its so hard to mention everyone, i wont finish today.... no vex ehn...
@ mimi, abi o, when ugo wan finish me with accusation... hiss
Bimby, I support Ugo jare! Unfortunately, there's nothing like GQ or any such Male mag in Nigeria. Hmmm ... come to think of it ... OK, entrepreneurs in the house, anyone up to the task?
So congrats once again on the True Love article. And to think I just discovered your blog bcos we were both judges in the Blogville Idols thing? I must have been missing a lot.
lol! This babe.. lol. You crack me up no lie. lol. Na serious Oscar speech you de give O. Its all love though... you really deserved it. ;)
Hi Bimbs,
Love your blog, you are one cool chick. Just started my own blog at flora-florasplace.blogspot.com. Most of the time i dont know what to put there but just reading your blog i am inspired. Go girl!!!!
Just so you know, they have great meatpie round this way, holla@ a sista and I'll mail you some.
mennn,saw ur pics in that mag... u were hot. chweety thought so too. infact u all were hot. hope another mag would talk about male bloggers too. i think Ugo and tayo are right and if i had to choose who they will pick for nomination then its Ugo first. i hope they pick me too ooo, so i go become star overnight.
anyway... u deserve the spotlight girl.. ur blog rockssss!!!!!!!
you are very muuch appreciated too. For making us laugh so hard.
Aww Thats sooo sweet Your True Love Interview was Fab i was reading all of them and smilling like a proud parent..lol :)
There are trully some great Blogs on Blogville!
I have heard of one bakery that does trully fantastic meat pies.
I'll get the name and get back to you.
Bimbylads,you got me all blushing.Your sense of humour is something else.
Imagine asking Ugo to come and use your phone to call the police.lawl! lawl!lawl!
you are amazing amazing person.. and i love you to bits(you probably already know that... and thats why i constantly see you in my dreams competing with me for my best friends meatpie.. lol)you truly deserved the honour.. you're soo beautiful and funny and adorable... and a great writer...
and truly gross!!!! lol... but we wouldnt have you any other way!
Great blog you've got going here, i would blog if i wasnt so lazy.
Jus spent the entire afternoon reading ur blog from a to z and am loving it.
more grease to ur elbows :)
..oya bimby, you dont have to show my yarsh like that. kilode. i was just worried about the condition of the meat pie, you kno wastin food is very very very bad.
anyway, sha i will take the olu olu plantain chips like that...
***congrats on the true love article.
Bimbyyyy oooo...hit me up bgeorgetaylor@gmail.com
Gist plenty!
congratulations once more...
u are funny ....
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