I love to read. I can read five books at a time. Easy. And for a long time, I never thought about writing until I read a really, really badly written book. It was so bad that I snapped it close halfway, picked up my laptop, and muttered to myself, " If that author can write.... then, I can write." And a few months later, my first crappy, equally badly written manuscript was born, and shared with you all on this blog. (remember...Wale.. Eniola...). But I had done it. And I enjoyed the process!
But, that said, there are some really great authors / Books out there, and in order of absolutely no priority, these are my five favourite authors as at May 2010.. The list changes every three months, but so far, Harlan Coben and Sidney Sheldon have remained consistent....
1. Harlan Coben.

Honestly, if you are after a book that will keep you biting your nails, shifting off the edge of your seat and screaming at everything to keep silent you you can just read.... HARLAN is the one for you. Plus...he is such an easy read.
2. Kendra Norman Bellamy:
African American Christian Fiction Author. She is absolutely funny, and passes the message of God's love and Salvation without being preachy. For Love and Grace is her first published work, and I love... love it!
3. Jeffrey Archer:
One word: Genius.
This book Kane and Abel is an amazing work of fiction that has stood the test of time. The only problem I have with his work is the sometimes slow pacedness of it. But apart from that.. Mr Archer.. you rawk!
4. Sidney Sheldon. ( RIP)
I hardly say these words, but Sidney Sheldon is the master of story telling. I do not care that critics have sliced his writing style to shreds... I love him, and what Bimby Loves, Bimby Loves. Sidney Sheldon... pass your writing mantle to me abeg!
6. Francine Rivers.
Ok, I confess, I am one of those who think Redeeming Love was a bit over hyped. I thought it was too long, slow paced... and just... a bit blah!... That is not to say that the Queen of Christian Fiction doesnt write well, far from it! and infact, when I read, And the Shofar Blew... I fell totally in writing love with Francine Rivers. Fantastic read this is!
who are your favourite authors and why?
Working on my manuscript for the next installment, so bare with me please
waoh, great authors. "and the shofar blew" was my first francine rivers, really nice but i think it was too long.
sheldon is great and so is archer, tho i must be the only person who hasnt read kane and abel....
i love:
chinua achebe: things fall apart is my best read, ever. its a master piece and a classic for me.
ngozi chimamanda adichie: fresh, brilliant, writes like achebe
sophie kinsella: shopaholic series. i love writers with lots of wit and humour.
also love kristen billerbick, bidemi sanusi (kemi's journal) etc
@ omotee: yes, I concur with your list as well, infact, I love the confessions of a shopaholic,but for the fact that she is an obsessive swearer.. ( uses Oh God) too much, and that for me, cannot work cos my God's name is too precious!
but apart from that, she is a great writer.
Chimamanda.. I love! I am inspired by her.. but I tend to prefare nail biting/ suspense books.. that's why she and Chinua did not make the list for me this time, although I doff my hat to thier writing skills.
Thanks for commentingxx!
Lol @ "If that author can write, I can write."
I'm a 100% fan of Francine Rivers...I don't know how she does it. I am probably guilty of hyping up "Redeeming Love."
Your description of Harlan Coben's CAUGHT makes me want to run to Barnes & Nobles and grab a copy. I'm adding it to my Amazon wishlist now, maybe a good samaritan will buy it for me. Lol
I think I may have read some Harlan Coben but I don't think he really stood out for me. And no Redeeming love was not overhyped, maybe slow in a couple of places, LOL. I convinced Atala to read it and he loved it. It was my first FR but not the last as you can imagine. I read Kane and Abel several times as well as other books by JA but the papa of them all is Shidney Sheldon, I don't want his mantle though, Danielle Steele will do for me.
Or maybe Buchi Emechata. I cried each time I read Bride Price and some of her other books. I love Flora Nwapa too, they helped shape my feminist views.
Other writers I love, Harold Robbins, Jayne Krentz, read so many of their books growing up not recently. I also like Frank Perretti. I read a host of UK chick-lit while there and collected Marian Keynes. Had to give them all away.
I will also read anything by a Nigerian. I'm not a big fan of Achebe though, I prefer Cyprian Ekwensi.
Now I read by blurbs and reviews and not writers. I look forward to reading yours, :)
Myne!! we will fight o!! how can you say that about my darling Harlan!! lolllllll...I am self confessed Harlan Coben fan o!
Danielle Steele.. she is too depressing jo. Why must someone die in her books? hiss! although her writing can suck you in well sha.
Books by Nigerians... never really tried them, I think becos of lack of distribution to the western world. I loved
second chance, time changes yesterday and Jagua Nana though!
Just read an excerpt from Abidemi Sanusi's Eyo. Awesome!
How is it that i agree with EVERYTHING you've said in this post and the comments?
Never read a Coben, but now i will have to hunt for one on my next Library trip.
I clearly remember my first Sidney Sheldon. It was Rage of Angels. Lara. Didn't eat or sleep till i finished it. I think i've read every published Sidney Sheldon book.
Someone recently compared him to Jeffery Archer so i picked up one of his books, and it took me 2weeks to finish. Too slow paced for my liking.
I'm a fan of James Patterson, currently reading a recent work of his, something about aliens...not werking for me.
Danielle Steele is to sad for me, plus i'm not a fan of romance books. Make two characters fall in love then kill somebody....not my thing.
John Grisham, Jackie Collins, Iris Johannsen, Teri Gerritsen, Michael Palmer....iLike.
Oh and chick lit is my thing.....when i'm in the UK that is.
Maybe we all think, or fear, that our own stuff is bad. Thanks for being so forthright. Please visit my website :)
You mention Francine Rivers, I must confess I love her work too.
Have you read Karen Kingsbury's books.I think they are good.
My darling....
I def remember our sidney sheldon and John Grisham days exchanging books and all....and telling stories... I agree with you sheldon will always be a fantastic writer....
but i love chimanmanda's Half of the Yellow sun...i mean i practically weeped....
and boy!!! Do i love the chronicle Brothers Books who wrote( The fall of Lucifer, The first Judgement, and Son of Perdition)...its a must read babe...
But I just finished " a book called The Shack" and it blew me away as well.....by WM Paul Young...
ma worry you are definately getting one of this for ur bday pressie...
I like Jefery Archer, Sidney Sheldon and Francine Rivers. dont know the first two authors two mentioned though!
I am an ardent book fan as well (but unfortunately I haven't had time to indulge in my hobby in my busy adult life :-(... The days of my youth with no care in the world *sigh*)..
One of my favourite authors is (wait for this!) FRANCINE RIVERS!! lol.. and Redeeming Love is one of the best books written!! hehe, (guilty as charged!).. But I do love her style of writing and the way she weaves bible stories to modern situations.. And I think every one should read "As the Shofar Blew"...
Sidney Sheldon and Jeffery Archer are master class story-tellers...
I love John Grisham as well, the Firm being one of my favourite books, although sometimes he can be quite boring and looon (I mean what was going on with "The Painted House??" *yawn*..
Danielle Steel is a brilliant author as well but I agree with you, "Why does someone ALWAYS have to die? and why must there always be a divorce??.
Another author I enjoy reading is Dorothy Koomson.. Also not forgetting the romantic greats of Nora Roberts (Although she put me off with all the ghost stories), Judith McNaught, Emily Giffin etc etc
I would definitely be looking out for Kendra Norman Bellamy.. I haven't read any of her books xx
Love Sidney Sheldon and Jeffery Archer but my most absolute favourite...you guessed it right, Francine Rivers. I like Redeeming Love, quite lengthy but a great read nonetheless. Have you read Mark of the Lion series? Highly recommended.
Mummy lil' Bims..you definitely must try Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion series and Scarlet thread..awesome books!
I love me some Ted Dekker (When Heaven weeps is a terrific book), Karen Kingsbury, Sidney Sheldon, James Patterson, Robert Whitlow, John Grisham,Harlan Corben sometimes, Chimamanda, Chris Abani......the list could go on.
Ted Dekker: I want to get his books!! I need to
Karen: heard of her so much, I wonder where I have been. I did not realise that Christian Fiction was this big until someone gave me And the Shofar blew!
Have you tried Frank Peretti and Judy Hunt?
If you get a chance to read Peretti, get The Oath, Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness. You won't regret it.
Judy Hunt is also a very unique Christian fiction writer. Oh, and also Body Theone.
Quite a long list of them really.
Oh it is o!! Ted Dekker is on another level though..his books are like thrillers with a deep somewhat cryptic message..very nice though.. I recommend the trilogy :red, black, white and separates like Adam, blessed child, house...oh and I think you might enjoy Whitlow..his books are legal thrillers, try life suport and the trial.
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