Two years ago, I joined the gym. I attended once. I never went back. And now, I am being forced to go back to the gym.
Reasons are as follows:
1- Baggy jeans are beginning to look like leggins.
2- Skinny jeans don’t even go past my small toe.
3- T shirts are bearing an uncanny resemblance to body suits
4- I am being congratulated repeatedly and asked when the due date is. Especially after I have had lunch.
5- I am suddenly staring at slimmer people. Open mouthed.
6- Pictures of me from the past look like a before advert for a weight gain concoction
7- I hold my tummy in. Till I almost pass out. Regularly.
8- I run up a flight of ( short) steps and I feel like my heart is jumping right through my mouth.
9- Are those not enough reasons?!!?
Don’t get me wrong o. I am not a weight freak. Infact, I hate skinny. I don’t know how skinny people feel comfortable, knowing that the next gust of wind or sneeze could land them in Guatemala. I really don’t care if I gain weight or not, but I do care when I have to change my whole frigging wardrobe. I certainly do care if I climb an escalator and literally faint afterwards.
So, I must get back to the gym. I really must.
But, I have a phobia of the gym.
It all started one day, two years ago:
I was living in the rainy City of Glasgow, studying for my masters degree. My campus was literally 5 minutes away from my class, and because I had classes once every two weeks ( I never see that kain Full time course in my life), I hardly ever left my room, until one day, everything I listed above began to happen, so I joined the school gym. I happily filled in the application form and was invited to an induction. The induction leader asked everyone of us if we had ever been to a gym before. Everyone nodded yes. They had. Bimby had never been to gym before o, but I no fit say No. chick like me? So me too, I nodded. Vigorously.
So, the induction leader gave us a 'quick overview'.
By overview, the man would simply point at an exercise machine, press three buttons and say, 'that’s it, you've done this before so, I wont go on and bore you with all the details'. I didn’t have a clue, but I thought I could hack it. Na machine. Wetin fit happen?
So, after the induction, I ran straight to buy a pair of cute jogger pants and trainers. I even bought water bottle. You know, for effizi. Gym. Sip. Gym. Sip. Gym. Sip… lol
First day of gym came. I arrived promptly and went to change.
I wore matching outfit. Pink. Pink. Pink.
I came out of the changing room and looked around the gym. Everyone was just busy on one machine or the other.. So me too, I got into motion.
Went straight for the first machine I could operate since I was four. The bicycle.
I climb on top am, begin pedal. FAST. Within fifteen seconds, my legs felt like I'd had steel implants in them. I no even fit move. Kiya, Kiya, I staggered off and went to find another machine wey get sense.
So, I saw the rowing machine. Just like canoe. So I climb that one. Infact, I think I lasted five seconds in total on that one. My hand just refused to row the nonsense machine. If u pull the thing, it will draaaaaaaaaaaaaaag before you release it. At a point, I thought the thing will just vex and collect my hand o. Madness.
So I went to the next one. The tread mill. This one no suppose hard now. Jus climb, press go and begin walk.
So I climbed. I pressed ' green' for go. The thin started to move. I began to walk. The woman next to me was shaking her yansh. So me too, I shook my own. I sipped water ( for effizi).
I walked some more, then I felt like I was getting a good hang of it. So I press the + sign for increased speed. I closed my eyes and began to walk ( all the other people on the treadmill were closing thier eyes), then I felt one powerful surge of confidence come upon me.
If I could walk on the treadmill, then I could run on it. Like the woman next to me. She was listening to music and running on the treadmill, easily. So me too, I put my ear phone in my ears, began to blast music, and increased the treadmill speed. So I began to run… with my closed eyes.. And ran.. And ran.. Suddenly, I felt my legs lifting off the treadmill. I thought it was part of the effizi.. U know.. Air-tread walking… the feeling was great......
Until I heard a might GBOA!!, followed by intense pain.
I opened my eye… what did I see? I had landed near the weight lifting section. My yansh bone was on fire. Everyone was staring at me, and possibly wondering where I had materialised from.
You see, the treadmill section and the weight lifting section are on two opposite ends of the gym.
I wanted to move, my body no gree move. I was in so much pain. The gym instructor ran up to me and helped me to my feet.
' you okay?' he asked concernedly. Do I look okay? Cant you see that I am bend- walking? I almost spat out.
'Im f-fine' I stammered instead,' just lost my balance'
'just take a seat and relax, you should be okay in a few minutes' he comforted me. I smiled at him warmly and declined a seat. I should sit down? With what yansh?
That was 2 years ago. It took me three days to fully seat down on a chair. I had to use one half of my bum to balance.
Now its that time again. Bimby goes to Gym.
Wetin I for do?
Bimby na wa for you. I had to control myself from laughing as I was holding my sleeping son when I read your blog. I wish u well in your quest to tone up. I wish I had the time to join the gym as well. Do let me know how you get on as my jeans feel like skinny jeans as well and i have also been asked if i am expecting as i have refused to wear wetin I wear to hold my belle in!!!!!! Anyway take care and have a blessed week.
Its been a while since I have been here. You are too funny.
Just make sure you get a proper induction this time!
u mean u ran off d treadmill without realising it? what katapulted u to d other end of d gym?
u must complete the ist o.. i want to know what it was firsthand
promise me u will complete d gist
thank God the old bimby is back. anotherone is surely a counterfeit
i still cant get over my laughter....
Bimby, what katapulted u to d other side of d gym?
u must complete d gist o
@fola: how now? :-)
@tinuke: trust me,i will! its not like thier yeye induction even makes sense. ill give u the gist when i eventually go to the gym:-)
@delabique: to be honest, i think i walked backwards and flew off the treadmill without realising it. It wasnt funny back then o! lol
LOLLLLL, I can only hail u for even putting the effort into finding a gym. I have accepted rather gracefully that it wasn't created for us all.
I find that skipping and sit-up are good form of exercises that can be eaisly done in your room. All the best cos I sure know what u mean by opening mouth when a slim girl passes, my own is how da heck do they keep their tummy so flat :-((
BABES U R CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u will not believe me sef i carried myself to gym d other day, na im i get there begin dey do nah, come and see d kind eye wey ppl dey give me there, say wetin u dey find for here? in fact one woman even came up to me and said 'at this rate u r gonna dissapear' needless to say i didnt go back, make i just stick to d tennis abeg!
mo try la ti pe e o, ur fone was going to voicemail!
1- Baggy jeans are beginning to look like leggins.lawlllllllll
you will not kill me sha.
but ehmmm are you sure you never hook belle? check urself before you go gym O
but wetin carry you to weight lifting section? lolllll
how is ur "husband"?
@ darkelcee: sis.. wassup now.. !!
lol.. if I hook belle, trust me, I go know!! lol
hubby's fine!!
lol @ Skinny jeans don’t even go past my small toe.....
si si bimby na wa for you o!!!! u no go kill person with laughter..i was laughing so hard my colleague begin wonder
have tried the gym once but realised i only went der 7 days in a month. i don turn my room to gym now...i jog, skip and do all forms of exercise der o. i no just fit shout
if u try gym dis time and e no work make u try ur room u hia. jst set alarm for the duration of time u want to spend working out, then stick to it till the alarm goes off.
the Lord is ya strength my sista...lol
and i take God beg you....no close ur eye if u dey on top treadmil again.....abeg o! dat waist is still very important to us.....lol
pele my dear...don't worry that sort of thing has happened to everybody at the gym.
abeg go to the gym...you now have the benefit of experience and you must continue to look fine fine...
i agree with you the only thing that stops me loosing or gaining too much weight is idea of having to change my whole wardrobe... can I afford that? ‘no way jose!’
(whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...11th ke – was going to do my little dance of joy if I got into the top 10!)
LMAO , Ohh my God u have killed me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Until I heard a might GBOA!!, followed by intense pain.
I opened my eye… what did I see? I had landed near the weight lifting section. My yansh bone was on fire. Everyone was staring at me, and possibly wondering where I had materialised from."
I just lost it at this point. You're a fool. You're a fool. At least this time, will you let them know you don't know how to use the machine??? Please do. You're hilarious. Truly, truly hilarious.
Skinny jeans don’t even go past my small toe.
Omg..u are too funny..see me sitting in the library laughing my ass off.. This is by far one of the funniest blogs i've ever been on..U are such a comedian
Love ur blog
water...for effizy, this was hellafunny, don't let history repeat itself
have a good one
LOL, this had me cracking up!!!!
OMG, u're something else. I can't stop laughing. lol...
Tell me about it, I thought I was the only one with gym-phobia.
Pls keep ur eyes open in that gym. Plsssssss
lol.. u have come again. you.
Glasgow. A city after my own heart. Was there for about 6 months until I realised I did not understand a word being spoken and hot footed it back down south.
Thanks for a great belly laugh. Must have burnt off a few calories so no exercise tonight.
Join me tmrw,we shall run thru M25 to Surrey. Better than joining a gym my love.
LMAO, na real effizy. that's why me and gym are not friends. Everytime I go, i see all this fit people running like Linford Christie (these are women)
in fact they should have gym for the fit and gym for the unfit. that way there will never be any gboa happening
i feel u man
Why gym, why you no try pilate for house, make you husband be instructor,you go slim, my dear, you know gym and eba no go 2gether.
when you figure 4 appear, send us pic, we fit push you go do mrs world.
Pele mehn! LOL!
Dont fall on the treadmill again o! hehe! Goodluck o!
Too funny as always! The effizy part (2 times abi how many times?) is what's making me laugh!!! I totally understand the closing your eyes and losing your balance, it happens really fast and by the time you're realising it... too late!
My paddy!!
I dont know if i should laugh or cry. I am yoyoing between the two.
From end of the gym to another? For real?
Girl this time keep your eyes open. I never close my eyes in the gym. You might want to try the shapers drinks from boots. 7 calories a bottle but they take care for those between meal cravings.
Might be worth a try.
It's weird that i get more exercise when i am in london but seem to put on soo much weight at the same time. Must be the air or something.
I laughed so hard that i needed to tell my Oga this story.... :D
Good luck this time round oh LOL
Bimby is back??? Why didnt anyone tell me? I don laugh tire. "I thought it was part of the effizi..." HILARIOUS! Welcome back ms lady!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Bimby is back. That was funny.
You are really funny. I thoroughly enjoyed this post (and every post before it). Please do continue to update regularly. I so love your style..
Your fan.
and I heard a might GBAO!!
Crying induced by laughter.......you are plenty mehn!
Bimby, I give it to you, YOU ARE FUNNY! Kai! Girl, if only I were not so anonymous sef we for don meet someone needs to buy you palmwine and I know just the right stuff.
Abeg, na idemmili@hotmail.co.uk.
I know you are yellow na, I have seen you before. Yes, I be winsh.
Lol, girl dont kobalise me at work oh! I have to send money to the village abeg, i cant get sacked!
chei, going to the gym is not funny at all. Try doing the classes instead of the machines. They are fun and if you get bored, you can look at others with extra tyres and thank your lucky stars!
me i don tru wit all them gym nonsense and the trainers wey sabi too much....lol
pele o, hope u no go land for ground again o
lmao.. ur too funny i swear.. i wan laff die.. make them no fire me 4 here oh.. yesuuuuuuu.. haha.. omo i gained weight recently oh... registered in the gym a week ago... its sha going.. lol.. 2 years ago i paid for one year at the gym and only went 3 times.. this time .. I WILL BE FIT... haha... omo come and see the weight i gained in naija drinking star beer.. its not a game!!! lol.. ive missed u oh this babe... keepirrup! hope say ur oga dey kampe(however u spell dat).. happy spring my angel
lol @ sipping water for effizi. you are a "pro" now,so this second run with the gym shouldn't be too bad.
heheheheh first of all
I feel u o jere
Samething's been happening here
My friends use to tease me that i am buttless
Now most of my pants can't go past my thighs.. the thing don shoot out like crazy
I can't even wear my spag, n body hugs...
stop hating on skinny people jo...we dont bother to hit the gym and we can eat want we want..ok
with love
from a sexy skinny chick
LMAO! Damn u are funny!
the gym truly is a hard hustle. u get what u put into it. no effort, no result. good luck
YOu are always very funny babes.
Maybe you should try walking, dancing or jogging if the gym is such a bad idea.
BimbyLads is back. Funnier than ever.!
I beg go to the gym o. For one , you will lose some weight and we will get some good stories from there.
hey, overwhelmingly hilarious blog!
first timer here and i could only thank God that my boss is still on leave!
forgive us slim people, u see most nigerian men dont even like our size, it's the white ones who appreciate, so dwan hate.
seriously, try dancing, it's effective and maybe swimming.
very nice blog.
LMAO!Funny. very funny
lmaooooooo.....oww gosh mad funny!!! mehn i've gone an woken my little niece up with my laughing..whala don start again!!
i no fit laugh oh!haba u shld be acting
lol!u r a clown
Ol' girl
update this blog!
abi you dey gym?
good luck babe :)
Where is bimby?
Omg I love the humor in this post! Im sure you haven gained as much weight as your letting on. Good luck@ the gym. The Ellyptical is my fav
This Bimby sef, you never go gym finish? We still dey here oh!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Projetores, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://projetor-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
You got me laughing hysterically and everyobne at work tot i was mad cos i could not hold it in. your story reminded me of another friend of mine.....but thats a story i dont wont to recount....neways as usual you delivered. keep doing what u do best.
ah ah sisi bimbs.....time don reach to update na
bimby... I have missed your blogging o!
I couldn't help laughing out loud!
You can start some exercises at home,I recommend London Bukky to be your gym instructor/personal instructor, she'll be of great help, seriously.
Lol..you really cracked me up! Joined the gym myself a while back and was initially consistent but dropped out when life got too busy, i was fortunate i lost the weight i wanted to lose after i stopped though...
Please be careful this time o, we don't want you breaking your bones....it's been long, how have you been?
When is Bimby returning from the gym? habaaaaaaaaaaaa i am number 60sef hurry and update jare.
lol.... good luck this time around.....
OMG! I cracked up soo hard!!! i can feel my ribs poking underneath the suddenly growing pound of flesh called my abdomen!!!
omg i laffed so hard thru this post i was crying..i think we hav all gone thru this gym experience at one pt...dnt worri u can do it!
One is getting worried, when will this lady be back? Who has the phone number for missing people charity? I beg make she come update her blog now...
pls it is time to update!! thank you..we miss u nowwww!
Dear mrs. Bimbylads,
how are u and ur family? i hope all is fine? if so, doxology.
i hereby write this small piece of mine to plead with you. please update ur blog, we fellowbloggers are worried that sth migh've happened at the gym.
i hope u look on this piece of mine with favorable consideration.
yours sincerely
Secretary, Bloggers association.
LOL...Oh hilarious..these sound like my own gym experiences...Exercise little by little...I hear that its part of the newlywed thing...bride and groom put on weight. Only difference - the brides tries to shed the weight while the groom is congratulated at the changes in his stature courtesy of marriage
LOL! Too many comments, wetin I wan talk join? Thank God I can still come to your site and laugh. I'll advice you to go and "wikipedia" all those Gym equipment before going to gym this time o.
Bimby... where are you?
LOL!!! got me laughing hard and loud at work...thanx
thanks for all ur comments. no vex abeg, i am coming back soon, i have just been too busy .. i embarked on a new adventure in the effort to keep fit.. ill update u soon...
thanks again and pls be patient with me.. no vex o
Enjoy ur time at the gym bimbylads. This was a very hilarious post.
where are you?????????
Bimby drink apple cider vinegar with warm water, you will lose weight in no time. I tried it, It worked, All the waste in your belly will be cleaned in no time, Research on it yourself.
Baggy jeans are now beginning to look like leggins... LMAO...
lolllllllllllllll..................that was funny.
I feel weird everytime i go to a gym...everyone there is really pulling efizy and i feel like an idiot.
So i stick to losing weight by running like a headless chicken when i play basketball
LMAO, oh my gosh, I'm sitting here in my hotel room laughing like a lunatic, I'm with child so I cant afford to roll on the ground...thanks for making my day though!
we have unveiled 2008 blogville idol contestants check out the page to know when the competition starts and for more details and pls make sure u participate by listening and voting for your favorite contestant...pls stop by d page and showus some love!tanx
Bimby where at thou?
how did i only just decide to start reading your blog????????????!!
loving it.
bimby... hope you are doing great.... we miss you.
oh bimby u 2 funny.I laughed soooooo hard.My God!It was d first time I read ur blog but it was beautiful.I c myself visiting regularly.It truly lifted my mood.Needless 2 say me sef wan slim down but no b moi moi 2 do am o.Wen ur trouser enter well,let me know make I 4 start my own.U be good.
Abeg dey update ur blog o.Go like 2 dey read more.
lol. u're funny.
goodluck in gym, hope u achieve ur weight loss goals
where art thou?
please come back!!!!!
Miss u !!!
Urs trully,
Regular Anon Reader
Bimby you don born?
My dear i know how you feel, but let me tell you if u keep at it, it will work.... I started running every morning and in thw night i try an do a 30 min work up hill..... just do you for get about everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh i see you were reading my blog, keep reading new post up soon, oh start from the first one......
i could so identify with that 'people coming to congrtulate me and asking for the due date' reason. it had been happening for over a year and the worst thing is you know the people mean well and are really excited for you and i just say, no, not pregnant, it's just fat. the most annoying thing about weight gain for it is how a didproportionate amount of it just lodges i my stomach so i don't look curvier, i just look perpetually preg. finally got tired of it like u and so have also been hitting the gym
i really love ur blog keep doin wat u do best
will come here all the time
lazy bum. (pun intended) lol
wats happening to u. Long time i hear from u. Ur fans are waiting ooo,abi u don leave blog life be dat?
Pls update
Auntie Bimby... I understand your pain. I just joined a gym again after 3 years and I still dey ask myself which kind crazy ghost possess me sef
i really enjoyed your writing style, but why have not updated your blog 4 so long?
Bimby, like joke like joke you don comot blogville? this almost 1 year and no update?
ko da bayi oh! how are you and hubby?
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