
Buy the ebook version of The Small Print now- only £2.16

*If you live outside the uk, you will need to go to amazon.com and search for "abimbola dare the small print" in the search box to purchase for jusy $3.00.

Did you know that you dont have to own a kindle to read The ebook version of The Small Print? All you need to have is a laptop or a pc. Go to google and type in "download free kindle for PC app", and you'll get the kindle app in a few minutes!

Dont forget to share your thoughts about The Small Print with me here: http://www.abimboladare.com/


Miss Natural said...

I bought a copy!! Cant wait to finish reading it, i'll review it when i'm done

Miss Natural said...

I bought a copy and i can't wait to read it. I'll definitely review it when i'm done!